Thursday 31 October 2013

Halloween Photos

Halloween night

Yesterday we celebrated our first Halloween far from home. After dinner we went to the rooms to put our costumes and make-up.
Then we did different activities:
-Activity one was watching some short scary films.
-The other was listening to scary legends.
-The third was going to the town with Alex to find ghosts.
-We also played different games with apples.
-Before all these, we decorated  the youth hostel with Halloween pictures.
All the activities were scary but we really had a good time.

Marti, Andrea, Laura and Oriol

La leyenda de Celina

Tal vez en alguna ocasión hayáis oído hablar de El Pueyo de Jaca, una bonita localidad situada en el Valle de Tena, Huesca. Rodeada de un hermoso entorno natural es el típico pueblo de montaña, y como muchos otros, tiene una leyenda asociada a él.
A mediados de siglo XIX tuvo lugar un acontecimiento extraordinario en el lugar: unos marqueses habían tenido dos hijos gemelos a los que llamaron Úrbez y Victorián. La alegría inundó la casa pues nadie esperaba su nacimiento.
Para su educación el marqués contrató a la hija de un noble inglés, Celina, que sería la institutriz de los pequeños durante sus primeros años de vida. Pronto la joven se encariñó con ellos y se convirtió en algo más que una niñera, porque los trataba como si fueran sus propios hijos. Pero la alegría pronto se truncó.
El día de Todos los Santos, Celina ofreció un concierto para la aristocracia local en el que interpretó la "pavana para una infanta difunta" de Ravel, su pieza favorita. Tras ello, se aseó y salió a dar una vuelta con los niños. Pasaron por el jardín y llegaron a la confluencia de los ríos Caldarés y Bolatica.
Se sentó en un roca y se puso a leer dejando a los pequeños en su cochecito... Inexplicablemente, este comenzó a andar hacia el río, advirtiéndolo la joven demasiado tarde: intentó echar a correr hacia ellos, pero parecía que la roca la sujetaba y no consiguió salvarlos. 
Desesperada y sin saber qué hacer, se arrojó al río...sus cadáveres fueron encontrados tres días más tarde aguas abajo del río Gállego.
Lo que antes fue una casa solariega es hoy un albergue donde cientos de jóvenes van de campamentos durante buena parte del año...mas nadie pasa allí la noche de Todos los Santos pues cuentan que se puede ver a Celina recorriendo el parque, distintos rincones de la casa y tocando en el piano su pieza favorita...

Solar Heating Experiment Photos

Thursday Experiment

On Thursday morning we did an experiment with aluminium containers, black paint, measuring jug, water, cling film, newspaper and thermometer:
1.       We painted the inside of each container black.
2.       We added 50ml of water to each container.
3.       Carefully  we covered the containers with cling film, tape in place if necessary.
4.       We placed the containers on stack of newspaper.
5.       We wrote  a hypothesis. – Black containers will have more temperature than the normal containers
6.       After 10 minutes we put the water into the containers and measured and recorded the temperature.
7.       We respected for each container.
The results were that the black can was hotter than the normal one. Our hypothesis was true.

Lucía, Sara, Jofre and Gerard.

Wednesday photos

Wednesday Activities


We got up at 8:00 a.m. and we had breakfast. At 9:00 a.m. we took our pocket  money and some material, we had to put a lot of clothes on because it was very cold and it had snowed in the mountains. We did some activities along the path and we arrived at Panticosa in one hour and a half. At the village we had one hour and a half of free time. We bought souvenirs, food and other things. At 12:30 p.m. we returned to the youth hostel and we had lunch. We did class with our teachers. We had a really goodtime singing song and we practiced a song we had done in class with Elisa. In the evening we did the daily presentation. Then we had free time, we had dinner, we did night activities and we went to bed.

Carla, Aina Martí and Gina

Tuesday Photos

Activities on Tuesday

On Tuesday we woke up and we had breakfast. Then we went to the English class with monitors and we worked on renewable energies. After that we had a break for about 30 minutes so we went to the playground and we had a sandwich for breakfast. Then we came to the class with our Catalan teachers and we did some quizzes about different materials (glass, steel , aluminum, paper, and plastic.
Afterwards, we had lunch and in the afternoon we did more class. At 7 o’clock we did presentations about the activities and in the evening we did a night game. We didn’t go to bed very late

Junior, Alba, Irina, AnaÏs, Júlia 

Monday Photos

Our first day

On Monday, we got up and we ate breakfast.  Then all the people from the two schools were separated into 4 groups. Group 1 has Conor as teacher, group 2 Ellie, group 3 Caroline and group 4 Gabriel. After the break we did some activities about the 3Rs with Marta and Montse . After these activities we went to have lunch. The lunch isn’t very good; we prefer the food we eat at home
 After lunch each group did different activities with Ellie, Conor, Gabriel or Caroline. After this we did a presentation about today’s activities and when we finished we had 45 minutes to have a shower and phone our parents.
After this we went to have diner, then we did a night activity and at 23:00 we went to sleep.
That was our first day.

Guillem , Andreu, Marta, Laia  

Sunday Photos

Leaving home


On Sunday, we met at one o'clock at Jaume Callís High School.and we left 20 minutes later with Serrat coach. During the trip we talked with friends, we listened to music, we laughted a lot, we played games and we had fun. We stopped twice, the first time at a rest area to have lunch. The other time we went to the toilet.
We arrived at Pueyo de Jaca at half past six in the evening.

The youth hostel is like a boarding school but inside it isn't scary. That evening the sky was dark and it was cold. We went to visit the village walking and there wasn't any people (It was empty) . After that we played games in the garden. At half past nine the people from Madrid arrived and all of us had dinner.
At half past eleven we did an exam and then we went to sleep. It is the first time that we have an exam so late.

Marina, Ivet, Estel, Katia.


El Pueyo de Jaca, está situado a 1.091 metros de altitud a la izquierda del río Gállego, en la cola del pantano de Búbal, perteneciente al término municipal de Panticosa.

Pueyo significa " lugar en lo alto", "otero" o "atalaya". Durante muchos siglos fue conocido como "El Pueyo". En 1857 adquiere un topónimo oficial "El Pueyo de Jaca".

Se cita por primera vez en siglo XIV, en el año 1488 censaba 16 casas. Por su posición junto al Camino Real, fue desde el siglo XVII capital administrativa del valle, llegando a tener en el siglo pasado hasta 241 habitantes. Hay que destacar la iglesia parroquial de San Miguel (siglo XVI ) que fue absorbida por otra posterior del siglo XVIII. Tiene una sola nave con capillas laterales, en el dintel de acceso a la sacristía figura el año 1580.
Mencionar el puente del Concellar, sobre el río Caldarés, por el que discurre el camino real, que fue construido en 1550, aunque ha sido reconstruido varias veces.

En la decada de los 70, el embalse de Búbal inundó las mejores tierras, pero gracias a un pequeño número de habitantes se ha mantenido el pueblo vivo. Tiene 82 habitantes (I.N.E. 2010) a los que se les denomina "Lapayones". Hoy en dia aproximadamente 18.
El turismo ha hecho posible la reconstrución de numerosas casas manteniendo el tipismo del pueblo.
Las fiestas son el 27 de Agosto en honor a San José de Calasanz